B.S. Advising

The undergraduate advisors offer specific information about navigating through the program and assists students with requirements, policies, procedures, learning support, guidance on internships, scholarships, and opportunities for undergraduate research.

Staff advising for frosh 

Staff and faculty advising for continuing & transfer students 

  • GCH B.S. interim program advisor, Jeyson Aldana (he/they): Jeyson Aldana is a recent UC Santa Cruz alumnus (Sociology, Latin American & Latino Studies, History of Consciousness minor, ‘22). His undergraduate career consisted of proactive engagements with research, student life, and opportunities serving transfer, domestic, and international students. Jeyson has worked in the Services for Transfer & Re-entry Students (STARS) as a Transition Mentor, Division of Global Engagement as a Global Mentor and Global Student Assistant, and as a Peer Advisor for the Social Sciences. Outside the office, Jeyson frequently listens to music while picnicking in the meadows and enjoys coffee a bit too much. Send an email or Schedule an appointment.
  • GCH B.S. interim faculty program advisor, Grant Hartzog (he/him): Professor Grant Hartzog is a Co-Director of Global and Community Health and a professor of the Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology Program.  Send an email >>

Drop-in advising calendar

This calendar includes virtual and in-person drop-in hours for advising. Schedule an appointment through MyUCSC

Letter Grade Policy

All courses used to satisfy GCH BS major requirements must be taken for a letter grade. Courses taken for Pass/No Pass cannot be used to satisfy your major requirements. Only courses with grades of C (2.0) or better can be used to fulfill major requirements. Courses in which you receive a grade of C-, D+, D, D- or F cannot be used to satisfy a major requirement or satisfy a prerequisite for another course.

Upon enrolling in your courses, the grading option will automatically be set to letter grade. For courses required for the major, do NOT change to the pass/no pass grading option. If you have mistakenly enrolled in a course for pass/no pass, you may change your grading option to a letter grade prior to the Grade Option Deadline. For more information on grades and grading options, see the Navigator page on Evaluating Academic Performance.

Transferring Credit and Substitution Request

It may be possible for students to satisfy a major requirement with a course taken at another institution.  Prior to enrolling in an outside course, make sure the course you plan to take articulates (i.e., is equivalent to a course at UCSC or is an approved elective for your major). To transfer any credit, a course MUST be completed with a grade of C or better. Grades of C- are not accepted.

For more information on transferring credit: California Community College or Other University or Education Abroad Program.

If you are taking a course at another institution that is a prerequisite for a course you plan to take in any academic quarter at UCSC, you will not be able to enroll until you have submitted your unofficial transcript (showing the name of the school, your name, the date, the name of the course, and the grade you earned) to gchBSadvising@ucsc.edu

Course Substitution & Transfer Credit Policy

At least half of the upper-division courses required for the major must be taken at UC Santa Cruz, not as transfer credits from another  institution. If a student plans to transfer to UCSC from another institution, the student is advised to contact GCH BS Advising at UCSC before enrolling in upper-division courses at the student’s institution or any institution other than UCSC. This advising will help students understand the limitation of transferring upper-division courses from other institutions to UCSC. 

Once matriculated, a student must receive permission from the department to satisfy the BIOL 20A, BIOL 100, BIOL 105, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 requirements with courses taken at other institutions. Students who wish to receive credit toward the major for these or other courses taken either at UCSC or at another institution should contact GCH BS Advising.

Qualifying for the GCH BS Major

To qualify for any of the GCH BS major, students must complete and pass a series of 8 qualification courses. These courses must be completed and passed prior to submitting a Petition to Declare the Major. Students who enter UCSC as Frosh, must complete and pass all qualification courses by the end of their 5th quarter at UCSC (Summer terms are not counted toward the 5th quarter timeline). All courses must be taken for a letter grade, see Letter Grade Policy. Students with two or more non-passing grades (grades of NP, C-, D+, D, D-, or F) in the qualification courses are not qualified to declare and must submit an appeal.

GCH BS qualification courses and policy

Global and Community Health BS has a qualification policy that applies to GCH BS majors. To qualify for any of these majors, students must pass (with a letter grade of C or better) the following courses or their equivalents:

  • MATH 11A: Calculus with Applications or MATH 16A: Mathematics for Life and Environmental Sciences or MATH 19A: Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
  • CHEM 3A: General Chemistry
  • CHEM 3B: General Chemistry
  • CHEM 3C: General Chemistry
  • CHEM 8A: Organic Chemistry
    • CHEM 8L: Organic Chemistry Lab – though CHEM 8L is not a qualification course, it is generally completed in the same quarter with CHEM 8A
  • BIOL 20A: Cell and Molecular Biology
  • BIOE 20B: Developmental and Physiology
  • BIOL 20L: Experimental Biology Laboratory 

Note: Students with two or more non-passing grades (grades of NP, C-, D+, D, D-, or F) in the qualification courses are not qualified to declare and must submit an Appeal.

Declaring Your GCH BS Major

Students should submit a petition to declare by completing the online declaration petition via MyUCSC as soon as they complete the major qualification courses or reach their declaration deadline quarter, whichever comes first.

Students petitioning when the campus declaration deadline is imminent (i.e., in their sixth quarter, for students admitted as frosh), will either be approved, denied, or provided with conditions (e.g., completion of some courses with certain grades) that will be resolved within at most one more enrolled quarter, even if they have not completed major qualification courses.

Academic year declaration deadlines

Please see the Office of the Registrar’s Academic and Administrative Calendar for Campus Major Declaration deadlines:

  • Frosh students must declare a major before enrolling in their 7th quarter/third year at UCSC;
  • Transfer students must declare a major by the posted Declaration of Major deadline in their 2nd quarter at UCSC.  
  • Students who petition to declare the major after the campus major declaration deadline must submit an Appeal.

Step 1

Complete the major qualification requirements with a final letter grade of C or better, and have completed Official Academic Planning Form (APF) on file with a Staff Advisor.
Email your APF to gchBSadvising@ucsc.edu or schedule an appointment, or drop-in to confirm your plan on file. 

Step 2

Complete the Petition for Major/Minor eForm in MyUCSC.

Step 3

If you have met the major qualification policy, the GCH BS Program Advisor will approve your eForm for declaration. You will receive an automated declaration confirmation email in your UCSC student email inbox.
If you do not meet the requirements, we will respond to the eForm with a denial.  

Appeal process

The GCH BS program will consider appeals from students who do not qualify for the GCH BS major or would like to declare the major after the major declaration deadline.

Please review the Major Qualification Policy and Major Declaration Deadlines as well as the following information before submitting an appeal for review.

Before submitting an appeal, prepare a GCH B.S. Academic Planning Form (APF) and a personal statement letter. The letter should be addressed to the program director and explain the failure to meet major qualification requirement(s), plans for future academic improvement, and interest in the major. It must be signed with a full name and student ID number, with the following file name format: “Lastname_PSLetter”

The program will notify the student and their college of the decision within 15 days of the quarterly appeal deadline (see below). Submissions are reviewed once after the quarterly deadline (not on an ongoing/rolling basis). Some students will not receive their results until after the quarterly deadline has passed.

Being granted the option to appeal is not a guarantee of admission into the major. Students that submit an appeal are strongly advised to have a backup plan in place in the event that their request is denied. Students are recommended to identify a viable alternate major as a backup in the event that their appeal is denied.

Appeal dates and deadlines
  • Winter 2025 Filing Period: October 24th, 2024 to February 7th, 2025. Results will be sent to students via email to their UCSC.edu email address by February 21st, 2025
Submitting an appeal

Appeals are submitted using the Appeal Form for the Global and Community Health B.S. Program.  Note that you must be logged in to your UCSC email account to view the form.  

If you have problems viewing the form, please try to view it in a different browser. If you are using a mobile device and cannot see the form below and/or are having difficulty accessing the form, you may need to use a laptop/desktop computer to access the form.  

When completing the form, you will be given the opportunity to submit a brief personal statement explaining why you are seeking admission to the major and describe the extenuating circumstances and other factors that prevented you from satisfying the major qualification requirements. 

Substitution petitions

Declared majors can use the substitution petition form to request a review of coursework completed at UCSC. Coursework accepted toward the major will be added to your Degree Progress report and your APF will be amended with notes. Decisions are sent via email from the GCH BS advisor.

Articulation petitions

If you will be traveling out of the country, out of state, or even to another UC or a CSU and wish to take coursework that you want to count toward requirements for the GCH BS major, you must get UCSC faculty approval prior to taking the class to ensure that it will be accepted to satisfy major requirements.

Follow these instructions to submit a course for articulation:

  • 1. Obtain a copy of the course description and syllabus for the course you wish to articulate. The syllabus should include a week-by-week list of lecture topics, the textbook used, and the means by which the course will be evaluated. Include any other course materials as available.
  • 2. Using the UCSC General Catalog, determine if there is a similar course taught here at UCSC. If there is a similar course, indicate that course on the articulation form. If there is not a similar course, indicate the credit you hope to receive for the course, i.e. upper-division elective credit.
  • 3. Fill out and Submit the Articulation Request Form. 

Your requested articulation will be reviewed by a faculty member and you will be notified of the outcome by email.

Articulations can take 2-4 weeks to process. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your request.  Education Abroad Program students are required to articulate their proposed coursework prior to going abroad.

How to submit an articulation petition

Follow these instructions to submit a course for articulation:

  • 1. Obtain a copy of the course description and syllabus for the course you wish to articulate. The syllabus should include a week-by-week list of lecture topics, the textbook used, and the means by which the course will be evaluated. Include any other course materials as available.
  • 2. Using the UCSC General Catalog, determine if there is a similar course taught here at UCSC. If there is a similar course, indicate that course on the articulation form. If there is not a similar course, indicate the credit you hope to receive for the course, i.e. upper-division elective credit.
  • 3. Fill out and Submit the Articulation Request Form. 

Your requested articulation will be reviewed by a faculty member and you will be notified of the outcome by email.

Articulations can take 2-4 weeks to process. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your request.  Education Abroad Program students are required to articulate their proposed coursework prior to going abroad.

Articulation considerations

Once matriculated, freshmen admitted in Fall 2019 and later must receive permission from the department to satisfy the BIOL 20A, BIOL 100, BIOL 105, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 requirements with courses taken at other institutions. Students who wish to receive credit toward the major for these or other courses taken either at UC Santa Cruz or at another institution should fill out the Exception to Policy form before enrolling.

At least half of the upper-division courses (numbered BIOL 100-190) required for the major must be taken through the biological sciences program at UC Santa Cruz, not as transfer credits from another department or institution.

Regardless of the grading scale at the university you are attending, you must complete the course with a C or better to receive credit at UCSC. Courses with a grade of C- can not be used to fulfill major requirements.

If you are taking a course at another institution that is a prerequisite for a course you plan to take in any academic quarter at UCSC, you will not be able to enroll until you have submitted your unofficial transcript (showing the name of the school, your name, the date, the name of the course and the grade you earned) to gchBSadvising@ucsc.edu. 

For more information, see the Transfer Information and Policy in the Course Catalog.  

Exceptions to policy petition

Declared majors can use exceptions to policy form to request a review of extenuating circumstances by advising staff for issues other than major qualification or course substitution and articulation requests. Common exception petitions are related to P/NP grading or waiving a major requirement.

Senior exit requirement

Students of every major must satisfy that major’s upper-division disciplinary communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement in the global and community health B.S. degree is satisfied by completing the following courses:

GCH 190 and GCH 195 | GCH 190 is a research intensive Task Force Seminar where both GCH B.A. and B.S. students collaborate to recommend possible solutions to a real world health problem. The work is highly collaborative and interdisciplinary. GCH 195 is a Communications course that further enables students to complete their GCH e-Record or e-Portfolios.

Permission numbers

Permission numbers or “permission codes” override prerequisites for a class to allow you to enroll. For any elective with a course ID that is not GCH, students must email the course Instructor or Professor with their Department’s Advisor CC’d. GCH cannot issue permission codes for courses outside its own GCH course ID.

Last modified: Mar 11, 2025