Aleksandra Skrajna

User Aleksandra Skrajna

User Assistant Professor




Physical & Biological Sciences Division

Assistant Professor


Physical Sciences Building


Postdoc, Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Ph.D., Biophysics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences

M.S., Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Warsaw

B.S., Biophysics, Molecular Design and Bioinformatics, School of Physical Sciences, University of Warsaw

B.S., Biotechnology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Warsaw



Biochemistry, Biophysics, Structural biology (cryo-EM), Proteomics, Molecular and Cell Biology

Chromatin, Nucleosomes, Histones, Epigenetics, E3 ubiquitin ligases 

2023 Postdoctoral Award for Research Excellence, UNC Chapel Hill

2019-2022 American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship 

Spangler C. J.*, Skrajna A.*, Foley C. A., Nguyen A., Budziszewski G. R., Azzam D. N., Arteaga E. C., Simmons H. C., Smith C. B., McPherson J-M. E., Wesley N. A., Kireev D., James L. I., Frye S. V., Goldfarb D. and McGinty R. K., “Structural basis of paralog-specific KDM2A/B nucleosome recognition ", Nat. Chem. Biol., 19(5), 624-632, 2023. *Co-first

Skrajna A., Goldfarb D., Kedziora K. M., Cousins E. M., Grant G. D., Anderson C. J., Barbour E. H., Yan X., Hathaway N. A., Brown N. G., Cook J. G., Major M. B. and McGinty R. K., “Comprehensive nucleosome interactome screen reveals dominant role of acidic patch in nucleosome binding", Nucleic Acids Res., 48(17), 9415-9432, 2020. NAR Breakthrough Article.

Fragile Nucleosome Seminar Series

Last modified: May 16, 2024