Science Studies

Scholars in the interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies (STS) examine knowledge production, scientific practices, and therapeutics in social and cultural context.

At UCSC, STS scholars analyze the symbolic dimensions and representational practices of global and community health; articulate the role of science, technology, and medicine in processes of racialization and colonization; map new geographies of scientific and global health governance and their implications for health access; infuse questions of bioethics with questions of social justice; and identify how models, metrics, and instruments bring new social phenomena into being and with what implications for the valuation of human life.

To contextualize contemporary developments, we draw from work in the history of science, medicine, and empire to consider how ideas about human and environmental health have circulated in prior historical epochs and what their legacies are in the present. And in studying the making and doing of global health, we seek to engage in re-worlding for a more just and equitable world for all living beings.

Christopher Benner

  • Pronouns
    • he, him, his, his, himself
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Environmental Studies Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Urban studies
Profile picture of Christopher Benner

David L Bernick

  • Pronouns
    • he, him, his, his, himself
  • Title
    • Associate Teaching Professor
  • Department
    • Biomolecular Engineering
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of David L Bernick

Benjamin P Breen

  • Pronouns
    • he, him, his, his, himself
  • Title
    • Associate Professor
  • Department
    • History Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Science Studies
Profile picture of Benjamin P Breen

Nancy N Chen

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Anthropology Department
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Nancy N Chen

Jennifer L Derr

  • Pronouns
    • she/they
  • Title
    • Associate Professor; Founding Director, Center for the Middle East and North Africa at UC Santa Cruz
  • Department
    • History Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Disease and Immunity
Profile picture of Jennifer L Derr

Lindsey L Dillon

  • Title
    • Associate Professor
  • Department
    • Sociology Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Activism
Profile picture of Lindsey L Dillon

James Battle

  • Title
    • Associate Professor
  • Department
    • Sociology Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Sociology
Profile picture of James Battle

Madeleine P Fairbairn

  • Title
    • Associate Professor
  • Department
    • Environmental Studies Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Agroecology and Agriculture
Profile picture of Madeleine P Fairbairn

Marcella M Gomez

Profile picture of Marcella M Gomez

Julie H Guthman

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Community Studies Program
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Agroecology and Agriculture
Profile picture of Julie H Guthman

Jaimie Morse

  • Pronouns
    • she, her, her, hers, herself
  • Title
    • Assistant Professor
  • Department
    • Sociology Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Sociology
Profile picture of Jaimie Morse

Sara J Niedzwiecki

Profile picture of Sara J Niedzwiecki

Raquel Prado

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Statistics
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Statistics
Profile picture of Raquel Prado

Magy Seif El Nasr

  • Pronouns
    • she, her, her, hers, herself
  • Title
    • Professor and Department Chair
  • Department
    • Computational Media
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Human Computer Interaction
Profile picture of Magy Seif El Nasr

Matthew B Sparke

  • Pronouns
    • he, him
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Politics Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Capitalism
Profile picture of Matthew B Sparke

Anna L Tsing

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Anthropology Department
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Anna L Tsing

Ahmet A Yanik

  • Title
    • Associate Professor
  • Department
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Electrical Engineering
Profile picture of Ahmet A Yanik
Last modified: Aug 11, 2023