Cancer & NCD Genomics

Genomic analysis of genes, genomes and genetic variation is transforming human health. Cancer is a leading cause of death world wide, with more than 10 million deaths per year. Our faculty use genomics to uncover the genetic causes and blueprints of cancer, as well as new diagnostics and innovative treatments.

This includes work on new screening and therapeutic approaches to rare diseases. Like cancer, rare genetic diseases are a major global health dilemma. More than 800M people worldwide suffer from a combined 7,900 rare diseases. Unfortunately, less than 5% of these diverse diseases have an approved therapy. The excessive cost of rare disease therapeutics hinders patient access to potential cures.

Faculty at UC Santa Cruz study the molecular basis of these rare diseases.

Angela N Brooks

  • Pronouns
    • she, her, her, hers, herself
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Biomolecular Engineering
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Bioinformatics
Profile picture of Angela N Brooks

Manel Camps

  • Pronouns
    • he, him, his, his, himself
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology Department
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Manel Camps

Ahmed Hamdy

  • Title
    • Adjunct Professor
  • Department
    • Biomolecular Engineering
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Ahmed Hamdy

David Haussler

  • Title
    • Distinguished Professor
  • Department
    • Biomolecular Engineering
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Genomics
Profile picture of David Haussler

Theodore R Holman

  • Pronouns
    • he, him, his, his, himself
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Chemistry & Biochemistry Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Biochemistry
Profile picture of Theodore R Holman

Douglas Kellogg

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Biochemistry
Profile picture of Douglas Kellogg

Daniel Kim

  • Title
    • Assistant Professor
  • Department
    • Biomolecular Engineering
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Genomics
Profile picture of Daniel Kim

Sarah Loerch

  • Pronouns
    • she, her, her, hers, herself
  • Title
    • Assistant Professor
  • Department
    • Chemistry & Biochemistry Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Biophysics
Profile picture of Sarah Loerch

Robert Scott Lokey

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Chemistry & Biochemistry Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Organic Chemistry
Profile picture of Robert Scott Lokey

John MacMillan

  • Title
    • Vice Chancellor for Research
  • Department
    • Chemistry & Biochemistry Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Chemical Biology
Profile picture of John MacMillan

Karen M Ottemann

  • Pronouns
    • she/hers
  • Title
    • Professor and Chair
  • Department
    • Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Microbiology
Profile picture of Karen M Ottemann

Benedict John Paten

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Biomolecular Engineering
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Benedict John Paten

Sofie Reda Salama

  • Pronouns
    • she, her, her, hers, herself
  • Title
    • Acting Professor of Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
  • Department
    • Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Biomedical Sciences
Profile picture of Sofie Reda Salama

Jeremy R Sanford

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Jeremy R Sanford

William Sullivan

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of William Sullivan

Zhu Wang

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Developmental Biology
Profile picture of Zhu Wang

Ahmet A Yanik

  • Title
    • Associate Professor
  • Department
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Electrical Engineering
Profile picture of Ahmet A Yanik

Martha C Zuniga

  • Pronouns
    • she, her, her, hers, herself
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department
  • Campus Email
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise
    • Cell Biology
Profile picture of Martha C Zuniga
Last modified: Oct 20, 2023